33 part 3. Projects of JDC subject to Investment 3. ROUTE330* : Jeju Innovation Growth Center JDC is operating Jeju Innovation Growth Center to contribute to the government policy of expanding infrastructure aimed to support employment and entreprenuership. The center seeks and supports unicorn startups for growth and innovation * The “route” to innovation and for companies to succeed, while “330” is the street number (330, Cheomdan-ro) To promote growth of Jeju Advanced Science & Technology Complex and revitalization of sustainable local innovative ecosystem by discovering startups and creating jobs Project Objective Project Overview Location Semiyang Building in Jeju Advanced Science & Technology Complex Area and Project Cost 5,802㎡ (Approx. 62K ft2) USD 17M Project Period 2018 ~ Main Facilities Offices for different fields (ICT, AEV(future mobility)), meeting rooms, co-working spaces, makersapce, EV-lab (future mobility lab), accomodations, etc.